Local squirrel update: June 2011

They say you never know when it’s the last time you see someone, and this especially applies to squirrels.

They are constantly on the move as the squirrel population and availability of food fluctuates, not to mention that they can fall prey to cars.

We have also noticed over the years that the locals will abandon the squirrelhouse we built for them once spring arrives. This is probably because three or four squirrels will typically spend the whole winter in there and by spring it’s probably full of lice and fleas.

With that in mind, here is an update on some of our local squirrels:

We haven’t seen Sasquatch, who used to live in the squirrelhouse, in at least three weeks. His friend, Piggy though is still around, though he doesn’t appear to live in the squirrelhouse anymore.

For a while we thought Gracie had moved on, but she showed up, looking much slimmer a few days ago, although she visits much less frequently than before.

White Belly, Lucy and Bear are still regular visitors as well as a few babies that we think belong to Bear.

There is also a new squirrel we have been seeing, a black squirrel with a tiny white tip on its tail. This squirrel is completely heedless of traffic. It sometimes runs down the road lengthwise, we have also seen it run across the road, immediately change its mind and then run right back apparently for no reason.

We also spotted a pair of robins chasing a black squirrel across the road, probably to protect their nest.

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