
Here is one of our local squirrels.

Anybody in there? I'm feeling a bit peckish.

Here she is in her “squirrel studio” shot. I think she looks a bit sad. This photo prompted my wife to say: “Life can be hard, even for a squirrel.”

Feeling a bit blue today.

This photo was taken in the fall, before her white ear tufts grew in.

Now the tufts are thinning out. (You can see them in the first photo) A sure sign of spring!

Vital stats

Age:2 years
Description:Heavy set, with perfect grey coat, no mange or bald patches.
Breeeding Cond.:Nursing a litter.
Species:S. carolinensis
Notes:One of the few squirrels that has figured out it can avoid the feeding time crowd on the back porch by begging for food at the front window. Will patiently peer in the window till it spots movement on the inside, then excitedly beg for food

Recent news on Gracie

2014-07-06Where Gracie spends the night these days
2014-06-02Flatsquirreling it
2013-07-07Gracie visiting the neighbour's house
2013-05-29Spring photos
2012-10-14Gracie's baby?
2011-12-06Gracie the squirrel eats a cookie on our windowsill
2011-11-10Ever get the feeling you are being watched?
2011-11-10This just in: Eartips!
2011-09-11Gracie the squirrel demands nuts
2011-07-18Where are they now: Gracie
2011-05-09Gracie studio shot May 6
2011-05-05Gracie rattles our cage
2011-04-21For some reason, this picture makes me want to go bowling

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