Category Archives: Piggy

Piggy is a messy eater

Piggy in his 3rd summer. He’s just finished eating some almonds and is hoping for more.

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Spring photos

Here are some recent photos of our regulars. We have a close up of Piggy, a picture of Gracie framed by flowers and a photo of a robin’s nest full of hungry hatchlings from a few houses up.

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Piggy after the storm

I finally finished managed to dig myself out from the snow-nami we had two days ago. Right after the last shovelful was gone—the sun decided to come out. The squirrels came by for lunch, and this included our old friend … Continue reading

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Piggy the Squirrel in winter

Piggy the squirrel must be living a bit further away because we don’t see him as frequently as before. He dropped by today and we were glad to see him.

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Feeding cashews to Piggy the squirrel

Piggy is such a friendly little guy. He’s about two years old now. Here’s a short video of him eating cashews on our back fence.

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