Rehabbers busy in VA after Hurricane Irene strands hundreds of baby squirrels

Hurricane Irene orphaned squirrels all along its path.

Here we have two videos from Virginia, where wildlife rehabilitators are trying to cope with all the squirrels that people have turned in.

The first is from Evelyn’s Wildife Refuge, in Virginia Beach. (Facebook page), shows a rehabber cleaning up a baby that was just brought in and then giving it its first feeding.

WHSV also aired this news story showing how the Wildlife Center of Virginia in Waynesboro is coping with the influx.

The Wildlife Center of Virginia posted an article (Hurricane Squirrels) on its own website, which shows how the babies are being cared for which includes lots of great photos.

Megan Davis of the News Virginian also wrote this very nice article that describes how the Wildlife Center houses the squirrels. This centre seems to put a lot of thought into creating the right atmosphere for the baby squirrels (they have nature sounds piped in on speaker!). The article has more great photos also.

Both centres accept donations:

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