Florida woman saves baby squirrel from hawk

The Land O’Lakes Patch published this cute story about a Florida woman who saved a baby squirrel from a hawk.

When Emma Hankins first noticed the baby squirrel, it was hanging around her porch looking tired and weak.

The squirrel tried to run out into the yard, but then quickly came back to the porch and looked up at Mrs. Hankins as if to say “help me.”

That’s when Mrs. Hankins noticed a big hawk in one of the trees in her yard. She picked the squirrel up and it went to sleep right in her hands!

She later kept it in a safe place on her back porch and fed it before placing it with a local rehab centre.

Check out the article for the full story. They also have more cute pictures of the squirrel.

Photo © Mark S. Hankins, used with permission.

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